Community Legal Education

Building the Community Law School

i4J’s Service Impact Area designs new, replicable pathways for advocates other than lawyers to know and use the law, so that individuals who otherwise cannot access legal help can receive advice and problem-solving from trusted members of their community. These pathways, once designed and launched, become i4J’s Community Legal Education (CLE) Initiatives: Virtual legal empowerment courses that train advocates who are already in community-helping roles to provide free limited-scope legal advice as “community-based justice workers.”

The Arizona Supreme Court was the first in the nation to authorize justice workers through unauthorized practice of law reform in January 2020, and our CLE Initiatives are redefining how and for whom legal knowledge is accessible. As a reimagining of U.S. law schools, Community Legal Education invites us all to envision a democratized legal profession and a future premised on community legal power.

About Our Training Opportunities

i4J’s three active Community Legal Education Initiatives partner with community-based organizations in Arizona and Utah to train, support, and mentor participating advocates in three civil legal practice areas: Domestic Violence, Medical Debt, and Housing Instability.

Based on each state’s relevant authorization pathway, i4J enrolls eligible advocates in one or more online, fully asynchronous, and self-paced 60-to-80-hour legal training courses. Across their training and delivery of services, participating advocates receive instructional support from i4J, the course’s content creators, as well as a network of licensed volunteer attorney mentors.

From advocates’ enrollment through their launch into service, i4J supports justice workers’ journey into legal advocacy in several ways:

  • Once enrolled, course enrollees receive real-time virtual support from i4J; close-captioned recordings of all course content; and layered methods of experiential learning. During the training term, i4J’s Instructional Support Team provides course enrollees with regular content review sessions, graded legal practice questions, and collaborative opportunities for community-based education. In bringing together regular cohorts of enrollees across our CLE Initiatives, i4J seeks to foster cross-jurisdictional learning through a community law school classroom. After training, i4J supports the examination and certification (in Arizona) of participating advocates. Upon their successful completion of training and fulfillment of all steps toward state-level authorization, participating advocates in both states are recognized as community-based justice workers.

  • After training, i4J connects justice workers with a network of licensed volunteer attorneys to mentor, provide support, and champion advocates’ work in service of communities. i4J supplements mentorship with continuing education opportunities in the form of monthly newsletters on changes in the legal area(s) where justice workers practice, professional development experiences, and relevant webinars that can help supplement their limited-scope advocacy. Ongoing training and the mentorship of justice workers, as facilitated by i4J, serve as added tools that advocates can use within the course of their current work at a community-based organization.

  • Our CLE Initiatives and accompanying training curricula are the result of robust community engagement and intentional co-development with subject matter experts in the states where we train. i4J’s Community Legal Education has undergone rigorous feedback processes and is the outcome of years of lived and practiced experience in navigating legal systems from within and beyond each state’s respective legal communities. We maintain a feedback loop with justice workers to understand what services they are providing, whether the contents of their training adequately prepared them for unsupervised legal advocacy, as well as when and how the curriculum might be improved. i4J simultaneously collaborates with researchers across the country to adopt innovative metrics by which justice workers’ services can be evaluated. These metrics focus on ensuring that consumers are not harmed, that justice workers’ services are effective, and that our programs serve the legal empowerment aims they set out to achieve. To further support the work of participating advocates, i4J assists organizations in connecting with an insurance carrier. While justice workers, like attorneys, are not required to hold malpractice insurance, i4J recognizes that a justice worker’s host organization may wish to voluntarily take on or expand an insurance policy to cover their advocate’s limited-scope legal services.

  • Standard 306 of the ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools prohibits U.S. law schools from granting more than 50% of credits toward the Juris Doctor degree via “Distance Education Courses.” For prospective law students who are disabled, parents, working-class, nontraditional, first-generation, and of historically minoritized identities, this commitment to in-person learning can render law school more of a dream than reality. i4J’s justice worker trainings are not subject to this restriction, allowing us to rethink in what novel, accessible ways our training of legal advocates everywhere might be grounded in community needs. This necessarily includes the contents of traditional legal education. Our approach to Community Legal Education is grounded in values of legal empowerment; trauma-informed advocacy; racial, procedural, distributive, and disability justice; experiential and lifelong learning; and community-responsive curricula.

Learn more about i4J’s three active CLE Initiatives:

Website Preview - DVLA Course

The Domestic Violence Legal Advocate Initiative

Offered in Arizona

The Domestic Violence Legal Advocate (DVLA, formerly “Licensed Legal Advocate”) Initiative trains trauma-informed lay legal advocates at Arizona domestic violence service providers to provide limited-scope legal advice to domestic violence survivors.

DVLAs are trained to assist domestic violence survivors:

  1. At intake, providing limited-scope legal advice regarding orders of protection and family law matters;

  2. With forms and filing, providing limited-scope legal advice during the completion of court forms and other documents for filing;

  3. With court preparation, providing limited-scope legal advice while a survivor is preparing for a mediation or hearing; and

  4. With court support, including attending court with a survivor, having a seat at the survivor’s table to quietly advise the survivor, and answering questions if asked by the court.

For more information, read the DVLA Project Brief and visit the Domestic Violence Legal Advocate Initiative page.

Website Preview - MDLA Course

The Medical Debt Legal Advocate Initiative

Offered in Utah

The Medical Debt Legal Advocate (MDLA) Initiative is associated with two training pathways: The Medical Debt Court Diversion Initiative and the Community Health Worker Medical Debt Advocate Initiative. Both are designed and positioned for implementation as trainings for advocates to provide legal services to individuals experiencing medical debt in Utah. These two Initiatives empower financial coaches and community health workers at Utah community-based organizations to give limited-scope legal advice to community members experiencing medical debt before their debt becomes a lawsuit. 

MDLAs are trained to support consumers:

  1. At intake, providing relevant legal information in the medical debt context and legal process assistance to people at risk of medical debt litigation;

  2. With forms and filings, providing assistance in the completion of medical debt-related forms;

  3. With resolving debt, providing limited-scope legal advice related to the resolution of medical debt; and

  4. With negotiating debt, negotiating on behalf of consumers in the resolution of their medical debt.

For more information, read the MDLA Project Brief and visit the Medical Debt Legal Advocate Initiative page.

Website Preview - HSLA Course

The Housing Stability Legal Advocate Initiative

Offered in Arizona and Utah

The Housing Stability Legal Advocate (HSLA) Initiative is authorized state-wide in both Arizona and Utah to train front line staff at community-based organizations to identify and problem-solve housing instability issues.

HSLAs are trained to support tenants:

  1. At intake, providing limited-scope legal advice on commonly experienced issues associated with eviction;

  2. With forms, filings, and negotiations, including providing limited-scope legal advice in resolving commonly experienced issues before eviction and in negotiating on behalf of tenants with property owners or managers;

  3. With court preparation, including providing limited-scope legal advice regarding the eviction process and timeline, completion of court forms, and how to asset viable eviction defenses; 

  4. With court support, including attending court with a tenant, having a seat at the tenants’ table to quietly advise, and answering questions if asked by the court (exact scope of service is state-specific); and

  5. With post-court support, providing limited-scope legal advice to tenants with common post-eviction legal issues.

For more information, read the HSLA Project Brief and visit the House Stability Legal Advocate Initiatives page.

“It’s support we would have not been able to provide in the past.”

- Anais A. is a Domestic Violence Legal Advocate at a domestic violence organization in Tucson, Arizona. Her legal and trauma-informed training, years of experience, and ability to communicate with English- and Spanish-speaking survivors make her an incredibly effective legal advocate in helping survivors attain protective orders.

Snapshot: Justice Work in Action

Through our work with and in service of communities since 2018, i4J is proud to have 0 consumer complaints and a low training attrition rate associated with our Community Legal Education Initiatives.

The Domestic Violence Legal Advocate Initiative

Active Jurisdictions: Arizona

Launched: April 2021

Authorizing Pathway:

Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Order 2024-35

Arizona Service Areas:

  • Apache County

  • Coconino County

  • Maricopa County

  • Navajo County

  • Pima County

DVLA Service Areas in Arizona

The Medical Debt Legal Advocate Initiative

Active Jurisdictions: Utah

Launched: May 2023

Authorizing Pathway:

Utah State Court Office of Legal Services Innovation

Utah Service Areas:

  • Davis County

  • Salt Lake County

  • Summit County

  • Tooele County

  • Utah County

  • Wasatch County

MDLA Service Areas in Utah

The Housing Stability Legal Advocate Initiative

Active Jurisdictions: Arizona and Utah

Launched: June 2024

Authorizing Pathways:

Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Order 2024-34

Utah Supreme Court, Standing Order 16

Arizona Service Areas:

  • Maricopa County

  • Pima County

HSLA Service Areas in Arizona